The unfortunate reality here in Australia is that for a significant portion of the population, arranging the funeral of a loved one causes financial difficulty. Experiencing fiscal hardship due to cremation costs isn’t something anyone should experience, and the value in a send off is not directly related to the price tag – especially when someone’s life and legacy are involved.
Simply affordable cremations Perth carry the same amount of meaning as choosing the most expensive option. Not everyone knows there are ways to keep costs low for a funeral, but working with the right providers of meaningful yet cheap cremations in Perth ensures a heartfelt yet affordable service.
Tips for an affordable funeral
A low-cost funeral offers plenty of avenues for personalisation, allowing each mourner to properly celebrate the unique life lived. The overall funeral or cremation cost in Perth depends a lot on the extras included, such as flowers, headstones, and ceremony details. A burial tends to be more expensive, but there are affordable funeral and cremation packages Perth available for those who would prefer it.
Be upfront
When looking for a lower funeral or cremation cost in Perth, do your research and choose a caring and understanding funeral home that’s happy to help. Be clear about your budget and expectations from the start, and clarify which details you are willing to forgo to achieve this.
Choose a suitably meaningful service
Consider what a worthwhile send-off would look like to the deceased and their loved ones. A casual service separate from a burial or cremation can be a relaxed and affordable way to say goodbye, or for those more religiously inclined, you could focus on a meaningful service without unnecessary flowers or catering.
Low-cost coffins
An affordable coffin or casket can go a long way to reducing funeral costs, often allowing the saved costs to go towards a memorial or wake. Choosing a standard burial or cremation coffin with unnecessary embellishments is a key part of cheap cremations in Perth, saving thousands of dollars in an eco-friendly way.
What do cheap cremations in Perth involve?
An unattended service is the best way to keep the cremation cost in Perth low. Also known as a private cremation, there is no formal accompanying ceremony, removing the need for a chapel, flowers, catering, or a fancy coffin.
Creating two events – an unattended cremation with a separate memorial service or celebration of life party – means appropriate yet cheap cremations Perth, while also allowing more freedom around the type of send-off the deceased would want. This might mean a sunset BBQ, or a few drinks at their favourite watering hole.
Best way to keep the costs low for your funeral (infographic)
This infographic offers tips for keeping funeral costs low while still honoring your loved one.

Simply affordable cremations Perth
As long-standing, dedicated providers of meaningful yet affordable Perth cremation packages, the friendly and helpful team at Perth Cremations and Burials are well placed to arrange the right funeral for your needs.
To enquire about our affordable Basic Unattended Cremations or Basic Graveside Committals, or to get a quote for cremation costs Perth, don’t hesitate to get in touch now.