About Us
How a Local Perth Family Started Their Own Funeral Home
(A story perhaps not unlike like your own?)
How does a family with almost nothing cover the sky-high costs of a funeral?
Where are the affordable solutions for families like ours that don’t have deep pockets for exorbitant funeral fees?
Years before founding Perth Cremations, my family struggled with these very questions. After years of battling illnesses and multiple cancers, my mother’s savings were depleted, along with ours. We were faced with arranging her funeral with little to no funds available to us without having to take a bank loan or plead for financial assistance from friends and relatives.
We resorted to scaling back on Mum’s Funeral.
Although it has been several years since her departure, we still wish we were able to honour and respect her life by providing her with the funeral service she deserved.
Perth is home to thousands who live this story each year.
They struggle to pay the exorbitant fees demanded by corporate-owned funeral homes—companies whose sole purpose is shareholder profits. With so many families needing help, we entered the funeral service industry and started Perth Cremations.
We’re not a big company… and it can be tough to stand toe-to-toe with many of the larger players… but we stand firm behind our promise to value people over profits.
Our passion drives us to offer you the most affordable funeral packages and services in the Perth Metropolitan area—without compromising on quality. With Perth Cremations, you can always be sure of one thing:
We’ll help you lay your loved ones to rest with a beautiful funeral service that won’t cost you the earth.
Respectfully yours,